În perioada 13-20 septembrie, zilnic între orele 18-21 are loc în București, la Hotel Parliament (vis-a-vis de Parlamentul României), în sala de la etajul 5 al hotelului, o prezentare a sistemului Kalachakra din tradiția budhistã tibetanã.

Învãțãturile sunt de pe linia Jonang, cea mai tânãrã (secolul 12) dintre cele 5 linii tradiționale tibetane (nyingma, kagyu, sakya, gelugpa și jonang).

Învãțãturile sunt date de cãtre Khentrul Rinpoche, învãțãtorul mãnãstirii Dzamthang din Tibet, unul dintre cei mai reputați învãțãtori tibetani ai zilelor noastre, care de altfel și coordoneazã activitatea Institutului Tibetan Budhist Rime – vezi pagina de facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RimeBuddhism

Este o șansã rarã sã ai posibilitatea sã primești învãțãturi atât de prețioase de la un astfel de maestru calificat sã le predea.

Participarea la învãțãturi este liberã, cei ce simt și doresc, pot face o donație (cât doresc ei) la finalul fiecãrui curs.

Iatã și prezentarea acestui maestru, pe pagina lor oficialã:

Khentrul Rinpoche

Renowned Jonang scholar and Rime master, Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche, studied in 11 monasteries under 25 teachers before becoming Khenpo (teacher) of Dzamthang monastery in Tibet. He was awarded the title of Rimé master, meaning master of all traditions, by the supreme master Lama Lobsang Trinley in 1997 and conferred by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2003. His vast and comprehensive knowledge offers the West a rare opportunity to engage in Buddhist practice from a non-sectarian point of view and access the most profound teachings of Highest Yoga Tantra as taught by the Jonangpa. Khentrul Rinpoche is considered the 7th emanation of Bodhisattva Akasagarbha. His previous reincarnations appeared three times in Eastern Tibet as Washul Lhazu Lama, Trulku Ngawang and Getse Khentrul. Today, Khentrul Rinpoche is a highly realised Vajra Master of Kalachakra Tantra. He is known for his pure morality, incredible scholarship, meditative attainments and deep unwavering compassion. Rinpoche has written and published more than 10 books in Tibetan and other languages. He advises many monasteries and organisations. Khentrul Rinpoche has two primary goals:
  • To  teach, share and practise non-sectarian Buddhist philosophy and meditation for ongoing spiritual investigation and development of the individual and broader community
  • To inspire and encourage practitioners to engage in the most rare and precious Kalachakra Tantra teachings for the betterment of the world
If you would like to support Khentrul Rinpoche’s goals, please contact us. If you are interested in attending his classes, please visit the Teachings page.

 cu programul din România:

Romania (September 12 — 20)

Organiser: Ruxandra Popescu and Lucian Octavian Papuc




SAT. 12


Genuine Spirituality – The Rime Approach

SUN. 13


Entering the Spiritual Path



Protection & Purification – Goddess of the White Parasol – Dorje Namjom



Cultivating Loving Kindness, Genuine Compassion & Altruism



The Western Approach to Spirituality



Calming the Mind With Meditation

SAT. 19


Shentong View – The Nature of Reality

SUN. 20


Green Tara & Guru Rinpoche – Blessings for Removing Obstacles


CategoryCauze Naţionale
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