www.nityanandagirikriyayoga.com www.rajahamsakriya.com DE INTERES GENERAL: Cautam pe cineva cu suflet mare care detine un spațiu in București ( gen sala de sport, hala, clădire cu un living mare) unde sa poate medita un număr mare de cursanti saptamanal . Ideea aceasta face parte dintr-un plan mai mare, in care dorim ca in București sa înființăm un centru spiritual de nivel internațional. In condițiile in care in România este un interes mare pentru a urma linii spirituale autentice, un centru spiritual ar înnobila aceasta aspiratie. Exista posiblitatea reala sa găzduim pentru o perioada de timp calugari indieni si tibetani autentici sau chiar sa- i convingem sa se stabilească definitiv in România. Daca lucrul acesta se intampla este un real castig pentru toti. Nu ezitați sa ne contactați. Persoana de contact : Daniel Flesaru. Contact adresă email : avdanflesaru@yahoo.com TEL. INFO: 0727558691 ENGLISH VERSION We are happy to announce you that Swami Nityananda Giri will hold a kriya yoga seminar in Bucharest, between 12th and 15th of October 2018, from 6pm to 10pm. Swami Nityananda Giri will hold the same seminar in Brasov, between 17th and 20th of October, Sibiu between 21st and 24th of October, Timisoara between 26th and 29th of October and Iasi between 30th of October and 3nd of November. Since our goal is to offer everyone interested in the technique of kriya yoga the opportunity to practice, you may participate to this seminar even if you have never had any contact with the meditation techniques on this line. Swami Nityananda Giri comes straight from Lineage Master Sri Yukteswar’s , with unmodified techniques nor adapted to the demands of our consumer society. There is a current trend in which some “masters” have adapted techniques to market demand. It is good to know that a modified technique will never lead to the technique revealed directly by Babaji. Swami Nityananda Giri initiates anyone who aspires to know more, become more calm, wiser, tenacious, elevated, as well as those who want to honestly practice Kriya-yoga, ancient meditation techniques from the great India. The technique is practiced following the “guru diksa” tradition of Indian initiation. Swami Nityananda Giri teaches the technique following Sri Yukteswaraji line. “Prana” is the energy on which Kriya yoga is based. Kriya yoga practitioners begin the spiritual journey of “prana” / breath and end in the state of detachment (Transcendental Self). This method of kriya yoga helps practitioners know their own lives. Breathing controls life, in other words life means breathing and breathing means life. BENEFITS: Kriya yoga meditation sums up more breathing techniques that combined with concentration techniques increase our physical, mental and mental effort capacity. If it is correctly practiced, on a daily basis, kriya gradually leads to calm states and greater clarity of mind. Our ability to concentrate is considerably improved. By consistent practice our optimism grows and gradually turns into a state of joy and then into forms of Samadhi. The body becomes more supple, the weight of the body becomes self-regulating. WHO IS IT ADDRESSED TO? The technique is simple, and it may be practiced by anyone, there are no age-related constraints. The seminar is structured in such a way that it may be accessible to anyone, regardless of the level of practice, both as information and teaching techniques. The cost for those attending the seminar and receiving initiation is 137 euros/person. According to the Oriental tradition, those who truly feel deeply attained by Master’s Teachings, have the opportunity to make donations as an unilateral act of generosity directly to Swami Nityananda Giri after the seminar or during the 4-day seminar. Those who have already received the initiation may participate in the seminar on the basis of a donation that they consider appropriate. For participants from Romania, the money will be transferred to the account RO88BTRLRONCRT0437354001 (lei account). For participants from abroad, the participation fee is 135 EURO and the EURO account is RO38BTRLEURCRT0437354001. After making the payment, please send an email to avdanflesaru@yahoo.com with the proof of payment, mentioning the participants’ names for participation fee billing and a telephone number for each participant. Please specify which seminars you attend (seminar Kriya Brasov for example). Thank you in advance. IMPORTANT FOR LARGE GROUPS OF 4 PERSONS YOU CAN GET A DISCOUNT . After registering in our database (with address, name and phone number), you will receive a confirmation mail within 24 hours. Limited number of places. USEFUL : Please feel free to share the event so that more people can benefit from it. Thank you in advance for the initiative. For any other questions that may arise during your personal practice, for counseling, or simply for group practicing for a deeper experience, we have organised practice kryia yoga meetings twice a week in Bucharest, 39, A. I. Cuza street, 1st floor. In order to advance quickly and achieve the expected results, as well as for the assimilation of the information taught and counseling on technical problems arising during personal practice, those who wish will be able to participate weekly at our practice group kriya yoga that has been around for a year and six months. (other details will be available after the seminar). Contact : Daniel Flesaru. Mail address : avdanflesaru@yahoo.com TEL. INFO +40 727558691]]>

CategoryCauze Naţionale
  1. September 12, 2018

    Hari OM,
    Sunt convins ca Swamiji preda kriya yoga si a aduce lumina este datoria unui brahman.
    Ce ma nedumeste, insa, este exprimarea pe care o folosesti in prezentarea sa: “Swami Nityananda Giri vine diret de pe linia maestrului Sri Yukteswar cu tehnici nemodificate si care nu au fost adaptate la cerintele societatii noastre de consum”.
    Cred ca toata lumea intelege din exprimarea “vine direct de pe lina maestrului Sri Sriyukteshwar Giri” faptul ca este direct discipolul sau. Dar Swamiji, fata de care am respect, cred ca nu era nascut cand Sriyukestwar a avut mahasamadhi (1936).
    Apropo, daca explorezi mai mult subiectul, vei descoperi ca numele sau este de fapt Sriyukteshwar Giri (adica legat “sri” si “yukteshwar”, si asta dintr-un motiv). Asta a fost numele sau cand a devenit swami. I se adauga un Sri (care este o particula ce denota sfintenia, gradul de realizare si evident, respectul) si atunci devine Sri Sriyukteshwar Giri. De altfel si pe site-ul lui Swami Nityananda Giri numele apare la fel…
    Deci, ca sa ma fac inteles, Swami Nityananda nu a fost discipolul direct al lui Sriyukeshwar, ci discipolul direct al lui Swami Shankarananda Giri (28 August 1948 – ) asa cum este mentionat si pe site-ul sau. Acum, fiindca domnul Shankarananda (nu consider ca merita titlul de swami) a avut si are probleme in India, in Danemarca si chiar cu un discipol roman (swami Vimalananda), probabil ca asta nu da bine in CV. Mai ales ca domnul cu pricina a venit in Romania, a predat kriya…ca sa nu mai vorbim de faptul ca acelasi domn a catadicsit sa-l includa pe gurul sau, Swami Hariharananda, in lineage (linia spirituala) de-abia acum 1-2 ani. Pana acum, pe site era trecut doar Prabhujee (care intr-adevar a fost discipolul lui Sriyukteshwar)…
    Pe scurt fiecare din cei doi, Swami Nityananda si Shankarananda, se afiseaza alaturi de pozele lui Yogananda si Sriyukteshwar dar cand vine vorba despre tehnicile de kriya, tu afirmi cu nonsalanta: “Swami Nityananda Giri vine direct de pe linia maestrului Sri Yukteswar cu tehnici nemodificate si care nu au fost adaptate la cerintele societatii noastre de consum”.
    Este adevarat ca Yogananda a modificat tehnicile de kriya asa cum a crezut de cuviinta. Dar asta-i doar praf in ochi pt necunoscatori, pt ca au facut-o si Lahiri Mahasaya, si Sriyukteshar si, probabil, multi altii. Cred ca este ipocrizie din partea ta (ca discipol al lui Swami Nityananda) sa-ti afirmi un lineage (din care ascunzi verigile ce nu-ti convin, ca nu dau bine) dar sa-ti afirmi superioritatea invataturilor chiar fata de acele verigi cu care te mandresti. La o adica toata lumea se foloseste de faima lui Yogananda da’ considera ca-i normal sa-l tavaleasca prin noroi ca a “modificat tehnicile”.
    Si inca ceva, noi occidentalii credem ca, atunci cand alegem o cale spirituala si un guru, suntem ca la piata: “Vreau aia si aia, ca-i mai autentica”. Asta este o stupiditate ce n-are legatura cu realitatea. Nu poti sa accesezi un guru (care este exponentul unei invataturi) decat doar DACA AI LEGATURA CU EL. Adica exista o rinanubandana (o legatura ce se cere fructificata, musai) cu el si ce are El sa-ti dea. Restul, invatatura care el considera ca ti se potriveste, este doar ceva auxiliar.
    Gurul meu, fiind intrebat: “Discipolul alege Gurul sau Gurul pe discipol?” a raspuns: “Asta-i o intrebarea semnificativa/ce merita explorata”.

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